Tuesday, February 19, 2008



Jumper, a movie which is watched by ying and I on our memorable day. All in all, it is a quite nice film with action and science fiction plot. At first, i thought the jumper meant sweater or clothes with soft nap so i was trying to figure out what kind of movie it would be. Actually, it means a jumping person.

Today is the day that ying and I have been together for 1 year and 2 months. Well, it may be considered as a short period or a long period by other people with different thoughts but i really do not care about that so much, as long as i am always happy with ying.

We did not do anything special because we had classes until 5pm. At least, we did have a meal and watch a movie together. Nevertheless, we spent our date happily at the curve. I hope we could still celebrate together maybe after ten years or hundred decades.haha

So, happy 19th Feb~~

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